In the world of theatre, the performance on stage tends to get most, if not all, of the glory. However, if the audience knew how much work went into the technical aspects of theatre and how many individuals it takes behind the scenes to bring the show to life, those individuals would get a lot more recognition!
We are…
- …the artists you never see but are ALWAYS there!
- …the artists who make all of the magic happen through every song, scene, and blackout!
For every show, we…
- …create the sets, sound, lights, costumes, and props!
- …change the set during every scene change!
- …play every song, control every light, and create all of the moods the audience feels throughout the show!
Tech Titans is a Summer CAmP opportunity for young theatre artists to explore all of the production elements that it takes to get a show from the page to the stage! The knowledge and skills that students gain in this course will allow them to contribute to future productions in a more professional manner. It’s always a fast week – putting technical theatre into the minds of our students – but the show is waiting and the work must needs begin!
What will your student be learning?
Students will learn the basics of set construction, scenic painting, light/sound design, costuming, and make-up. They will have the opportunity to learn construction tool safety as they build set and prop items, give the stage some “pop” with paint, and they will run the show (backstage, running lights and sound) for the performance-based Summer CAmP experience that runs concurrently with Tech Titans at the end of the week. Finally, students will get to see that as all shows begin, so too do they end. When the performance is over, students will learn what it means to strike the show and return the theatre to its original state.
Interested in becoming a Tech Titan?
Step 1: Take the Tech Titans Summer CAmP offered every summer.
Step 2: Tell the Board of Directors that you want to be a TECH TITAN!