Red vs. the Wolf 2022

Red vs. the Wolf by Judy Wolfman

Performances March 12th and 19th 2022 at 2pm.  Doors open at 1:30pm.

We’ve all heard the story of Little Red Riding Hood.  But how often has it been told from the Wolf’s point of view?  Yes, this kind, sensitive wolf is upset, for he has been maligned by society because of a story that has been repeated to generations of children.  He is determined to tell the story as it really happened, of the true nature of Red Riding Hood and his own good intentions.  This hilarious story will show your audience that there are two sides to every story.
Suggested ages are 3 years old to adults!  Tickets just $6 for children and $10 for adults.  Concessions will be available.

Tickets on sale now!


Red Riding Hood Aurora Grooters

Wolf Ali Keeler

Grandma/Mother Stella Hogan

Deer/Rabbit Grace Harvey

Skunk/Butterfly Kylie Jorgensen

Woodcutter Kailan Wing

Stage Manager Emmitt Reyerson


Director Julie Rodish-Reed

ADSM Kailan Wing

Tech Crew Ezra Adams

Producers Karmen Jorgensen, Erin Hogan 

Coming to the theatre? See the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control here. We will follow CDC and State of Iowa recommendations to reduce the potential for spreading of any virus. Masks are required.